Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I blame Smiths

I always look forward to Saturday mornings, my 1 day a week to sleep in.

Clay and I have an awesome system for splitting the parenting duties

And part of this is I sleep in on Saturdays and he sleeps in on Sundays

So Clay got up and took Dillon downstairs to play.

I layed there for awhile, sliding in and out of dream filled sleep

Listening to the sounds of spring outside

birds chirping, neighbors mowing their lawns

Occasionally sweet baby giggles would drift in from downstairs

like most Saturday mornings Kaden, still half asleep

climbed into bed with me for some snuggle time

He always gets resltess and forces me out of bed before I'm ready

"C'mon momma" he says

Most Saturdays we hang low for awhile, cook a late breakfast, watch some cartoons

But not this one.... things to do, places to go, people to see

So Clay threw the baby at me and went to a side job

After Kaden asking if it was time to go 27 times... yes it was time to go

So Kaden, Dillon and I headed to the dreaded....Toys R Us.

We had to buy 2 birthday gifts and Kaden is probably the most indecisive child on this planet

But I was presently surprised when we were out in 10 minutes and there was not one bit of whining or begging involved

Then I dropped Kaden off at a double birthday pool party for 2 of his classmates

And can I just get an "amen" for finally being able to just drop him off at parties

Instead of having to sit there for 2-3 hours with the other parents, half of which are old enough to be my parents

making mindless chit chat, wishing I was just about anywhere else but there

So we drop him off, and I was feeling unusually brave... so we decided to meet my friend Amy for lunch

Yes... Dillon and I, ALONE

No back up... we were on our own.

This is something that I just do not do.

Unless daddy or someone else D is familiar with is around... I do not dare venture out with him *alone*

It all started when Dillon was about 6 weeks old and I decided to take him to the grocery store as our first outing alone.

Halfway through this momumentous trip he decided to totally wig out

And I mean wig, screaming at the top of his lungs, hyperventilating, arms and legs flailing...

I started to panic

I ripped open packages of binkies, mylicon drops, gripe water... I probably would have even given him some whiskey if they had any... but we live in Utah and thats a whole 'nother topic

Nothing was helping, his cries just kept getting louder... it seemed like the entire store was staring

Other women were giving me their knowing, sympathetic smiles

"oh that poor new mom with the colicky newborn"

I left the store in tears and Dillon didn't stop crying or sleep for the next 10 months

I blame it all on that disasterous trip to the grocery store

And since then I have avoided any and all situations where I don't have a co-pilot.

All through lunch I was on pins and needles...

But it actually went surprisingly well, no major mishaps

Dillon only hurled his food on the floor a couple times

His warning lights started flashing about 5 minutes before we left.

So we made a quick escape before WW2 started and all was well.

Thanks for an awesome lunch date Am... love ya!

So the moral for today is.. don't take your baby to grocery stores and if you do... sneak them a little whiskey beforehand.


  1. "Instead of having to sit there for 2-3 hours with the other parents, half of which are old enough to be my parents"

    Love this! I feel like that a lot! Especially with all of the kids' activities and such too.

  2. I had a awesome time. We need to do a Saturday lunch more often. Dillon was great!!!! You have nothing to worry about it is a great baby. I wish I could have seen Kaden. I lucky to have you as my friend.

  3. I had a awesome time. We need to do a Saturday lunch more often. Dillon was great!!!! You have nothing to worry about it is a great baby. I wish I could have seen Kaden. I lucky to have you as my friend.
